
学习助理(LAs)是指本科生, through the guidance of weekly preparation sessions and a pedagogy course, facilitate discussions among groups of students in a variety of classroom settings that encourage active engagement.

SPU 物理 LAs support our introductory algebra- and calculus-based physics courses, 为非理工科学生开设的课程, 以及为小学在职教师开设的课程. 作为洛杉矶人, you make it possible for us to teach these courses using research-based instructional materials and strategies and so contribute to better learning for our students.



基于 科罗拉多大学博尔德分校模型, SPU’s LA program takes a three-pronged approach that integrates 教学 practice, 每周内容准备, 以及教学指导:

  • 实践: SPU’s introductory physics courses integrate lab, lecture, and small-group discussion. 在上课时, LAs and faculty circulate the room and facilitate discussion among groups of four to six students. LAs attend every class session and offer tutoring hours outside of class, and some grade homework.
  • 准备: SPU LAs meet weekly with coordinators and/or course instructors to review course content and to exchange information about how students are progressing in the course.
  • 教育学: SPU’s weekly LA Pedagogy course exposes LAs to educational theory and best practices in facilitating dialogue. The specific content of the course changes from year to year but maintains a theme of noticing and responding to student ideas and actions, treating sense-making about student thinking as one of LAs’ primary roles. The pedagogy course is framed as an opportunity to “try on” various lenses for 教学 and as a place that LAs can pursue the questions and ideas that emerge from their practice.

在这三个组成部分中, LAs’ role is framed as that of an “expert learner”: LAs are recruited to be facilitators of discussion, 不是内容的主人.


SPU的LA项目是全国的典范, 赌博十大靠谱软件认为成为洛杉矶人很重要,原因有很多, 对于不同的学生和教师来说意义不同. Three themes that we have seen across cohorts and across years include:


  • 当你倾听和促进学生之间的讨论, you make it possible for SPU to ground our physics instruction in students’ ideas. (毕竟, 没有教室里许多听众的支持, 赌博十大靠谱软件该如何听取学生的想法并以此为基础?)
  • 研究表明 许多 positive impacts of instruction that is grounded in students’ thinking, 包括提高学生的学习能力.
  • 如下图所示, students in SPU introductory physics courses score well above students in traditional courses on the Force Concept Inventory (FCI), an assessment that measures students’ conceptual understanding of mechanics. 事实上, SPU物理入门课程的学生, 平均, 分数比很多学生都高 改革 互动参与课程.


Participating in SPU’s LA Program prepares you for helping professions, 包括, 但不限于, 教学.

The emphasis in the Pedagogy course on listening and really trying to understand 在哪里 students are coming from — and then responding to 在哪里 they are in their thinking (rather than, 说, 在哪里 we are in our thinking) — develops capacity for anyone who will need to make decisions that are tied to what another person is thinking (e.g., 医生需要作出适当和关怀的诊断, 需要了解用户需求的工程师, 想要制定标准导向教学法的教师).

学生也有机会加深自己的内容知识, get to know what they value in interacting with others (through regular reflections on their own 教学), 并且练习赌博十大靠谱软件想法的定期交流.


SPU LA项目是一个 社区 关心彼此,关心学生的学习. Learning to listen to others — and do this well — and discovering why we care about 教学 is not just intellectual work, 赌博十大靠谱软件相信,赌博十大靠谱软件有很多东西要相互学习. 赌博十大靠谱软件知道什么时候该笑,什么时候该严肃, 你可以从下面的图片中看到.



资格. 成为一个物理洛杉矶人, 你必须已经学过你想成为洛杉矶人的课程, and you must be willing to try out the pedagogical strategies and ideas we discuss in pedagogy class.

应用. 赌博十大靠谱软件洛杉矶项目的决定是按季度进行的. Applications to be an LA in the Autumn Quarter are due in early June; applications to be an LA in the Winter or Spring quarters are due approximately midway through the previous quarter (so early November for Winter Quarter and early February for Spring Quarter). 博士的邮件. 卡拉·格雷(grayk5@chinahqkj.com)查阅详情.

注册洛杉矶教育学. Being an LA requires that you take an LA Pedagogy course: PHY 4520 in the first quarter you LA, 和PHY 4511, 4512, 或4513元,供复职人员使用. Each of these is a 2-credit course and counts as an upper-division physics elective.

得到报酬. LAs get paid for official contact time with students — 包括 time facilitating discussions in class and time working with students in collaborative learning sessions — and for grading. 劳丽·门德斯(mendel@chinahqkj.com)协调洛杉矶薪酬, so be sure you get in touch with her to fill out appropriate paperwork before you start as an LA.


赌博十大靠谱软件真的为赌博十大靠谱软件的洛杉矶项目感到自豪, and so we often do research to document the great work that LAs are doing in our courses. Many of the papers that result from this research are co-authored with LAs. You can read more about our LA Program in the linked publications below. 请联系博士. 艾米·罗伯逊(robertsona2@chinahqkj.com),如果你有兴趣参与SPU LAs的研究.


C. E. 洛夫格林和A. D. 罗伯逊。”Development of Novice Teachers’ Views of Student Ideas As Sensible and Productive,” in 2013年物理教育研究会议论文集, P编辑. V. Englehardt,. D. Churukian和D. L. 琼斯(AIP,波特兰,俄勒冈州,2013),页. 225-228.

A. D. 罗伯逊 E. P. Eppard L. M. Goodhew E. L. Maaske H. C. Sabo F. C. 斯图尔特,维. L. 图尔和S. T. Wenzinger。”Being a 好的赌博软件推荐 Learning Assistant: A transformative experience of listening and being heard,” American Physical Society Forum on Education 好的赌博软件推荐letter, Summer 2014 (2014).

E. W. 近,我. 斯利,. D. 罗伯逊 L. S. 脱水,H. G. 关闭。”好的赌博软件推荐: Nurturing 物理 Teachers at a Small Liberal-Arts School,” in Recruiting and Educating Future 物理 Teachers: Case Studies and Effective Practices, 编辑:E. Brewe和C. Sandifer, AIP: Melville, NY, pp. 37-52 (2015).

A. D. 罗伯逊。”从道德上、手段上和智力上评价学生的想法,” in 2015年物理教育研究会议论文集, A编辑. D. Churukian D. L. 琼斯和L. 丁(AIP, College Park, MD, 2016), pp. 275-278.

A. D. 罗伯逊 K. E. 灰色,C. E. Lovegren K. L. Rininger和S. T. Wenzinger, 课程知识作为响应式教学的切入点,” under revision for Physical Review Special Topics – 物理教育研究 (2016).

A. D. 罗伯逊。”支持ing the Development of Curricular Knowledge Among Novice 物理 Teachers,《好的赌博软件推荐》(2016)审稿.

A. D. 罗伯逊和J. 理查兹, “A Responsive Approach to 支持ing Pre-Service 物理 Teachers in Enacting Responsive Teaching,为科学教育做准备(2016).