


物理学教授Rachel Scherr, 艾米·罗伯逊, 莱恩斯利, Stamatis Vokos won the 2013 Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings Paper Award by the Physics Education Research 社区, 是美国物理教师协会的一部分. 他们的论文, “Content Knowledge for Teaching Energy: An Example From Middle-School Physical Science,,因其研究质量而入选, 可读性, 以及对物理教育的影响. 这项工作部分由美国国家科学基金会资助.


Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology Amy Mezulis launched research on adolescent depression, 由400美元资助,由国家心理健康研究所资助. Mezulis和她的团队, which includes a clinical psychology graduate student and psychology undergraduate students, 都在努力理解情绪有多反常, 生理, cognitive responses to stress may predict the development of depression in adolescence.


工程技术认证委员会, 大学技术教育项目的主要认证机构, visited SPU in October 2013 to review a new general 工程 major with concentrations in mechanical 工程, 以及适当和可持续的工程. 认证决定于2014年7月宣布, 现在SPU所有的工程学士学位都通过了ABET认证.


In 2013, Professor of English Jennifer Maier’s new book of poems was included in the Pitt 诗歌 Series, 这是美国当代最大、最著名的诗歌列表之一. 现在,现在赌博十大靠谱软件时间和记忆的问题吗, 以及感知是如何在过去和未来的不断碰撞中形成的. 梅尔的诗歌曾出现在许多文学期刊上,包括 诗歌, 新字母, Smartish步伐, 《好的赌博软件推荐》并被国际公共广播电台的“作家年鉴”(The Writer’s Almanac)收录.”


Wall-Scheffler的步行研究赢得了国际关注2013年10月, research by Associate Professor of Biology Cara Wall-Scheffler was published in the public-access journal 《赌博十大靠谱软件》, inspiring headlines in more than 200 media outlets around the world, including 洛杉矶时报, CBS好的赌博软件推荐, Time 杂志等. Her research demonstrated that relationship status influences the walking speeds of men and women, specifically that men slow down if they’re walking with women in whom they’re romantically interested.


2012-13学年, 西雅图大学的教育学院和心理学院, 家庭, 和社区进行了认证访问, 2014年宣布了积极的结果. The Washington State Professional Educator Standards Board and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation re-accredited all 教育学院 programs, the American Psychological Association re-accredited the PhD in Clinical Psychology program. 在每种情况下, the schools were awarded the maximum number of years before another accreditation visit will be required.


Professor of Counselor Education Cher Edwards served as president of the Washington School Counselors Association during the 2013–14 学术 year. 作为WSCA主席, 她的领导重点是宣传和提高认识, including helping the community to understand the importance of professional school counselors in a K–12 education setting. 她将在2014-15年担任WSCA前任主席.


斯科特啤酒, 课程与教学副教授, 和比尔·纳吉, 教育学教授, worked with colleagues at the University of Washington on a learning disability research project. 这个项目, which focuses on creating curriculum for students in grades 4–9 with reading disabilities or challenges, 是由一个$8.1 million grant from the National Institute of Child 健康 and Human Development.


2014年2月4日,SPU C . Owen Ewald. 梅·马斯顿古典文学助理教授, 主持马斯顿讲座, in which he explored Latin verse written by women in a time when literacy among women was rare. The annual lecture is presented by the faculty member appointed to the Marston professorship, named in honor of a scholar whose influence extends back to the earliest years of 西雅图 Pacific.


哲学助理教授利兰·桑德斯 哲学助理教授利兰·桑德斯(Leland Saunders)从阿诺德·L. 和露易丝?. Graves Award in the Humanities to support his research project “The Structure of Moral Judgment: Philosophical Perspectives.” This competitive national award is made biennially to younger faculty members who have submitted evidence of “unusual skill and enthusiasm as teachers and who can show that their projects will enhance their ability in the classroom.”


哲学教授史蒂夫·莱曼(Steve Layman)颁发了2014年的Winifred E. 2014年4月10日维特学院荣誉奖学金讲座. 题目是《赌博十大靠谱软件赎罪的哲学思考,,讲座的主题是:“基督的生命如何?, 死亡, 复活使赌博十大靠谱软件与神和好?” The annual Weter Lecture provides a public platform from which to espouse the claims of the liberal arts in the Christian university.


SPU’s 圣经研究中心 and 神学教育 and 西雅图太平洋神学院 were awarded a “Vision and Call” grant from the M.J. 默多克慈善信托基金,在两年内提供47,520美元的资金. 2014年9月开始, the money will fund internships in which seminarians will spiritually mentor undergraduate students, 一年级的神学院学生可以探索他们的职业召唤.


营销学教授加里·卡恩斯和查尔斯·杜克, 他在克莱姆森大学的合作者, received the 2014 Marketing Educators Association Service Award in recognition of a teaching effectiveness seminar they have offered for many years to new entrants to the field.


声音的步骤 于四月十六日在香港特别大学第八届年度社会创业计划比赛上致辞, 2014, more than half of the participating student teams presented projects focused either on a mobile software application or on needs in 西雅图’s Rainier Valley. 然而,一个名为声音的步骤的SPU学生团队赢得了3000美元的Herbert B. Jones Grand Prize with a plan to help amputees in developing nations “step” out of poverty by providing them with high-quality, 负担得起的下肢假肢. 超过75名评委对提交的作品进行评分,并代表企业, 非营利组织, 学术, 以及专业团体.


罗伯特W. SPU的保罗·T. 沃尔斯圣经和卫斯理研究教授 and an ordained Free Methodist elder, 是今年保罗. 2014年5月7日卫斯理神学沃尔斯讲座. 他的地址, 题目是《好的赌博软件推荐》的真理.


来自美国各地的有前途的金融专业学生.S. 参加了第三届年度BVR/SPU估值挑战赛, an opportunity for students to assess the stand-alone value of a real private company. Students used special appraisal information provided by Business Valuation 资源, 并由20位全国资深估值专家进行评判. 5月9日在西雅图大学举行的最后一轮比赛, 2014, 丹佛大学获得了最高荣誉, 波特兰州立大学紧随其后,位居第二, 好的赌博软件推荐排名第三.


The Wesleyan Theological Society presented two SPU faculty members — 罗伯特Wall, the Paul T. 沃尔斯圣经和卫斯理研究教授, 理查德·斯蒂尔, 道德和历史神学教授,2014年Timothy L. Smith/Mildred Bangs Wynkoop Book Award for Wall’s commentary on the pastoral epistles, 提摩太和提多 (Eerdmans, 2012),其中斯蒂尔贡献了三个历史案例研究. ”相结合,该奖项引用道。, “这本书对圣经研究有很大的贡献, 系统神学, 历史研究, 卫斯理的传统, ultimately the Church in ways that bring different disciplines into conversation with one another.”


凯文•沃森, 历史神学和卫斯理研究的助理教授, received the Wesleyan Theological Society 2014 Outstanding Dissertation Award for his Southern Methodist University dissertation on the early Methodist band meeting.


第12届埃里克森大学本科生研究会议将于5月16日举行, 2014, showcased the outstanding research and design of students in the fields of biology, 生物化学, 化学, 计算机科学, 工程, 数学, 和物理. 演讲范围从单季度的, classroom-based original research projects to multi-year independent research programs and 工程 design projects.


今年春天, 麦奇Dooley, 2014年毕业于政治学和女性研究专业, 获得富布赖特奖学金去土耳其教英语. 她将在2014-15学年在爱斯基基市工作.